OpenGLEAN has numerous data structures that must be initialized before use. Additionally, OpenGLEAN supports some interaction with the user and environment during initialization---for example, setting the window size and position. In the same family, there are a few functions for letting the program set default values and make requests.
The glutInit*() functions cover these needs.
Bear in mind that:
offscreen is not tested.
Not all features appear to be implemented. In particular, numeric parameters and comparator specifications are lacking. See GLUT 3.7 sources for example.
PyOpenGL glutInitDisplayString documentation.
The X branch of OpenGLEAN always converts FULL_CROSSHAIR to CROSSHAIR. This is acceptable, but if a host system supports a fullscreen crosshair, it would be nice to support that. OpenGLEAN actually rewrites your cursor choice, at present, rather than silently pretending that you said something else. This is not what GLUT, or freeglut (now), do.
Out of range cursorID values generate warnings.
Has no visible effect if the current window is of type GLUT_OFFSCREEN.
Consider making GLUT_FPS keep per-window stats in a multi-window program.
GLUT_WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE should be implemented for WIN32.
It looks like we could use an OPENGLEAN_REQUIRE_WINDOW() macro invocation in addition to OPENGLEAN_REQUIRE_READY().
This function is a bit messy, especially the WINCE part. Fix.
Lots of code uses return to hop out. Since it's such a sprawling function, it's easy to be in the middle and not be 100% sure if there's anything important at the end of the function, or if it is safe to just "drop out" of the current case and head for the bottom.
This is an ugly bit of code with 5 return statements, one of which is never reached.
WIN32 version.
WIN32 version.
WIN32 version.
Investigate making a workalike variant using glutPopWindow() to mimic the feature where not directly supported.
num_levels should really be unsigned.
Put the normals into the (or an) array.
Make the array static const, with file scope, and share with glutSolidTetrahedron().
Maybe consolidate with the SierpinskySponge?
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Generated on Fri Sep 16 20:15:32 2005 for OpenGLEAN by
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