Collaboration diagram for Deprecated API Features:
![]() |
Functions | |
void | glutAddMenuEntry (const char *label, int value) |
void | glutAddSubMenu (const char *label, int subMenuID) |
void | glutAttachMenu (int button) |
void | glutBitmapCharacter (GLUTfont font, int character) |
int | glutBitmapHeight (GLUTfont font) |
int | glutBitmapLength (GLUTfont font, const unsigned char *string) |
void | glutBitmapString (GLUTfont font, const unsigned char *string) |
int | glutBitmapWidth (GLUTfont font, int character) |
void | glutButtonBoxFunc (void(*callback)(int button, int state)) |
void | glutChangeToMenuEntry (int item, const char *label, int value) |
void | glutChangeToSubMenu (int item, const char *label, int subMenuID) |
void | glutCloseFunc (void(*callback)(void)) |
int | glutCreateMenu (void(*callback)(int value)) |
void | glutDestroyMenu (int menuID) |
void | glutDetachMenu (int button) |
void | glutDialsFunc (void(*callback)(int dial, int value)) |
int | glutEnterGameMode (void) |
void | glutForceJoystickFunc (void) |
int | glutGameModeGet (GLenum pname) |
void | glutGameModeString (const char *string) |
void | glutGetJoystickCenter (int ident, float *axes) |
float | glutGetJoystickDeadBand (int ident, int axis) |
void | glutGetJoystickMaxRange (int ident, float *axes) |
void | glutGetJoystickMinRange (int ident, float *axes) |
int | glutGetJoystickNotWorking (int ident) |
int | glutGetJoystickNumAxes (int ident) |
int | glutGetJoystickNumButtons (int ident) |
float | glutGetJoystickSaturation (int ident, int axis) |
int | glutGetMenu (void) |
void * | glutGetMenuData (void) |
void | glutJoystickFunc (void(*callback)(unsigned int buttons, int xaxis, int yaxis, int zaxis), int pollInterval) |
void | glutLeaveGameMode (void) |
void | glutMenuDestroyFunc (void(*callback)(void)) |
void | glutMenuStatusFunc (void(*callback)(int status, int x, int y)) |
void | glutMouseWheelFunc (void(*callback)(int wheel, int direction, int x, int y)) |
void | glutRemoveMenuItem (int item) |
void | glutSetJoystickCenter (int ident, float *axes) |
void | glutSetJoystickDeadBand (int ident, int axis, float db) |
void | glutSetJoystickMaxRange (int ident, float *axes) |
void | glutSetJoystickMinRange (int ident, float *axes) |
void | glutSetJoystickSaturation (int ident, int axis, float st) |
void | glutSetMenu (int menuID) |
void | glutSetMenuData (void *data) |
void | glutSolidCone (GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks) |
void | glutSolidCube (GLdouble width) |
void | glutSolidCuboctahedron (GLdouble s) |
void | glutSolidCylinder (GLdouble radius, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks) |
void | glutSolidDodecahedron (void) |
void | glutSolidIcosahedron (void) |
void | glutSolidOctahedron (void) |
void | glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron (void) |
void | glutSolidSierpinskiSponge (int num_levels, const GLdouble offset[3], GLdouble scale) |
void | glutSolidSphere (GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks) |
void | glutSolidTeapot (GLdouble size) |
void | glutSolidTetrahedron (void) |
void | glutSolidTorus (GLdouble dInnerRadius, GLdouble dOuterRadius, GLint nSides, GLint nRings) |
void | glutSpaceballButtonFunc (void(*callback)(int button, int state)) |
void | glutSpaceballMotionFunc (void(*callback)(int x, int y, int z)) |
void | glutSpaceballRotateFunc (void(*callback)(int x, int y, int z)) |
void | glutStrokeCharacter (GLUTfont fontID, int character) |
GLfloat | glutStrokeHeight (GLUTfont fontID) |
float | glutStrokeLength (GLUTfont fontID, const unsigned char *string) |
void | glutStrokeString (GLUTfont fontID, const unsigned char *string) |
float | glutStrokeWidth (GLUTfont fontID, int character) |
void | glutTabletButtonFunc (void(*callback)(int button, int state, int x, int y)) |
void | glutTabletMotionFunc (void(*callback)(int x, int y)) |
void | glutVisibilityFunc (void(*callback)(int status)) |
void | glutWireCone (GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks) |
void | glutWireCube (GLdouble width) |
void | glutWireCuboctahedron (GLdouble s) |
void | glutWireCylinder (GLdouble radius, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks) |
void | glutWireDodecahedron (void) |
void | glutWireIcosahedron (void) |
void | glutWireOctahedron (void) |
void | glutWireRhombicDodecahedron (void) |
void | glutWireSierpinskiSponge (int num_levels, const GLdouble offset[3], GLdouble scale) |
void | glutWireSphere (GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks) |
void | glutWireTeapot (GLdouble size) |
void | glutWireTetrahedron (void) |
void | glutWireTorus (GLdouble dInnerRadius, GLdouble dOuterRadius, GLint nSides, GLint nRings) |
void | glutWMCloseFunc (void(*callback)(void)) |
It is not expected that anything placed in the "deprecated" group will persist within OpenGLEAN. The features may be exported, in a source-compatible manner, to an external library. Or comparable functionality may be added back in via further API changes.
Append an item to the current menu.
The new entry is added to the end of the menu. It is a fatal error either to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit() or to call this function without a current menu.
Append a submenu to the current menu.
The submenu is added to the end of the menu. It is a fatal error either to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit() or to call this function without a current menu.
Attach the current menu to the current window.
The following are fatal errors:
Draw a bitmapped character.
Nothing is drawn, and the raster position is unaffected when either:
Return the height of a given font, in pixels.
Returns 0 if font is invalid.
Return the width of a bitmapped string, in pixels.
As with glutBitmapString(), newlines are taken into consideration. Returns 0 if the font is invalid or if the string is empty or NULL.
Draw a string of bitmapped characters.
The starting raster position is used as the left margin for multi-line strings. Each newline character repositions the raster position at the beginning of the next line. Nothing is drawn, and the raster position is unaffected when either:
Return the width of a bitmapped character, in pixels.
It is also an upper bound on the width of the bitmapped glyph for character, though not all letters will use their full width, especially fixed-width fonts. Returns 0 if the character is out of the inclusive range [0,255] or if the font is invalid.
Sets a button-box button callback.
There is no particularly good reason for this to be part of OpenGLEAN at this time. Nor is there any support for it. A dials-and-buttons box has buttons numbered from 1 to glutDeviceGet(GLUT_NUM_BUTTON_BOX_BUTTONS), inclusive. The parameters callback are the button and its state as either GLUT_UP or GLUT_DOWN . The callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Replace a menu entry with an item.
It is a fatal error either to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit() or to call this function without a current menu.
Replace a menu entry with a submenu.
It is a fatal error either to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit() or to call this function without a current menu.
Window destruction callback.
When a window is destroyed by user-action in traditional GLUT, the application terminates. In freeglut, OpenGLUT, and OpenGLEAN, the application can choose to persist and treat the window close event as a normal event. This callback is how that event is transmitted to the application. This callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Create a new menu.
When the user makes a selection from this menu, callback is invoked with the parameter value, which comes from the (label, value) pair that is defined with glutAddMenuEntry(). It is a fatal error to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit().
Destroy a menu.
It is a fatal error to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit().
Detach menu from the current window.
It is a fatal error either to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit() or to call this function without a current window.
Sets a dials-box button callback.
There is no particularly good reason for this to be part of OpenGLEAN at this time. Nor is there any support for it. A dials-and-buttons box has dials numbered from 1 to glutDeviceGet(GLUT_NUM_BUTTON_BOX_DIALS), inclusive. The parameters to callback are the dial and its value the latter being an absolute rotation in degrees. The callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Enter game mode GLUT's gamemode is deprecated. Do not use it. Consider using glutFullScreen(), glutCreateMenuWindow(), or similar, instead. OpenGLEAN is considering providing a more usable set of features to control video mode and such, by which all capabilities of gamemode (and then some) can be accomplished. Any combination of the following may apply:
Forces a joystick poll and callback. THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. Like all OpenGLEAN joystick support, this function is deprecated. The plan is to spin joystick support off into a separate library. Forces the OpenGLEAN joystick code to poll your joystick(s) and to call your joystick callbacks with the result. The operation completes, including callbacks, before glutForceJoystickFunc() returns. It is a fatal error to call this function without first initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit().
Return the value of a game mode parameter.
pname is one of:
If pname is unknown, a warning is printed and a value of -1 is returned.
Set the game mode display string.
Sets the gamemode status according to an undocumented string. Glancing at old GLUT 3.7, the freeglut codebase that we inherited does not implement more than a single GLUT gamemode ``criteria''. It may not even do that much correctly. In principle, this code lets you set the video dimensions, rendering depth, and video refresh rate. In practice, the combination that you request may be unsupportable and the target host may even refuse to honor any such changes. If you use this function but do not set all options, the following defaults may be substituted for some values:
Retrieves the joystick's nominal at-rest position.
Returns the joystick's "dead band".
Get the joystick's maximum range.
Get the joystick's maximum range.
Returns 0 if the joystick is working.
glutGetJoystickNotWorking() returns 0 if the joystick is working, and non-zero if it is not working. If it is not working, no indication of why it fails will be provided. If a joystick transitions from working to noot working, there is no way to detect it except by querying again.
Returns the number proportional axes on a joystick.
glutGetJoystickNumAxes() queries the OpenGLEAN API for informaation about the number of axes on a given joystick.
Returns the number of boolean buttons on a joystick.
glutGetJoystickNumButtons() queries the OpenGLEAN API for informaation about the number of buttons on a given joystick.
Get the joystick's saturation.
Get the current menu ID. Returns the integer ID of the current menu. Currently returns 0 if there is no current menu. It is a fatal error to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit().
Retrieve menu user data pointer Retrieve a previously stored user data pointer from the current menu. It is a fatal error either to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit() or to call this function without a current menu.
Reports joystick state for the current window.
The buttons bitmask is a bit-wise OR of:
The axis values are in the range [-1000,1000]. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Leave game mode, returning to normal desktop mode GLUT's gamemode is deprecated. Do not use it. Consider using glutFullScreen(), glutCreateMenuWindow(), or similar, instead. OpenGLEAN is considering providing a more usable set of features to control video mode and such, by which all capabilities of gamemode (and then some) can be accomplished.
Destruction callback for menus.
The menu functions are deprecated from OpenGLEAN. It would be better to put them in an external library. When a menu is destroyed, OpenGLEAN will call this hook, if defined on that menu. This callback is not bound to any window. This callback is bound to a specific menu.
Informs client of changes to menu status.
The menu functions are deprecated from OpenGLEAN. It would be better to put them in an external library. Broadly, OpenGLEAN operates in two modes. At any given time, it is either in menu mode (with a popup menu display, possibly with subitems) or it is not. When moving from non-menu to menu status, callback (if defined) will be called with GLUT_MENU_IN_USE . Conversely, when moving from menu to non-menu status, callback (if defined) will be called with GLUT_MENU_NOT_IN_USE . This differs from the old, deleted glutMenuStateFunc() in that glutMenuStateFunc() did not let you obtain mouse x and y coordinates of the mouse when the menu state transition took place. This callback is bound to both the current window and the current menu. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit().
Sets the mouse wheel callback for the current window.
If the mouse wheel is spun over your (sub)window, OpenGLEAN will, in theory, report this via the MouseWheel callback. wheel is the wheel number, direction is +/- 1, and x and y are the mouse coordinates. If you do not register a wheel callback, wheel events will be reported as mouse buttons. This callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Remove a given menu item.
It is a fatal error either to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit() or to call this function without a current menu.
Sets the joystick's nominal at-rest position.
Set the joystick's deadband.
Set the joystick's maximum range.
Set the joystick's minimum range.
Set the joystick's saturation.
Set the current menu ID.
It is a fatal error to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit().
Store menu user data pointer.
It is a fatal error either to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit() or to call this function without a current menu.
Draw a solid cone.
Draw a solid cube centered at the origin.
Draw a solid "cuboctahedron".
The scaling parameter, s, allows you to adjust the size of the resulting object. The object is centered at the origin.
Draw a solid cylinder.
Draw a solid dodecahedron. This function draws a regular, solid, 12-sided polyhedron centered at the origin. The distance from the origin to the vertices is sqrt(3). The facets are pentagons.
Draw a solid icosahedron. This function draws a regular, solid 20-sided polyhedron centered at the origin. The distance from the origin to the vertices is 1.
Draw a solid octahedron. This function draws a regular, solid 8-sided polyhedron centered at the origin. The vertices are at (+/-1, 0, 0), (0, +/-1, 0), (0, 0, +/-1).
Draw a solid rhombic dodecahedron This function draws a solid-shaded dodecahedron whose facets are rhombic and whose vertices are at unit radius. No facet lies normal to any coordinate axes. The polyhedron is centered at the origin.
Draw a solid Spierspinski's sponge.
Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Draw a solid sphere centered at the origin.
Draw a solid teapot.
This is derived from SGI code. It should also be the same as the teapot modeled by Martin Newell in 1975.
Draw a solid tetrahedron. This function draws a regular, solid 4-sided polyhedron centered at the origin. The distance from the origin to the vertices is 1.
Draw a solid torus.
The torus parameters can be explored interactively with the OpenGLEAN shapes demo.
Sets a spaceball button callback.
There is no particularly good reason for this to be part of OpenGLEAN at this time. Nor is there any support for it. This function registers a callback for a spaceball to report buttons. A spaceball has six axes of freedom (three of motion and three of orientation), plus buttons. The spaceball has glutDeviceGet(GLUT_NUM_SPACEBALL_BUTTONS) and numbers them from 1. Button state is either GLUT_UP or GLUT_DOWN. The callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Sets a spaceball motion callback.
There is no particularly good reason for this to be part of OpenGLEAN at this time. Nor is there any support for it. This function registers a callback for a spaceball to report position. A spaceball has six axes of freedom (three of motion and three of orientation), plus buttons. The spaceball allows you to move a control point in 3D space with a resolution of +/- 1000 units along each of 3 axes. The callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Sets a spaceball rotation callback.
There is no particularly good reason for this to be part of OpenGLEAN at this time. Nor is there any support for it. This function registers a callback for a spaceball to report rotation. A spaceball has six axes of freedom (three of motion and three of orientation), plus buttons. The spaceball allows you to rotate a control orientation +/- 1800 units about each of 3 axes. The callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Draw a stroked character.
Does nothing if:
Returns the height of a given font.
Returns 0 if fontID is invalid.
Returns model space width of a string in a given font.
Like glutStrokeString(), glutStrokeLength() respects newlines in the input. Returns 0 if:
Draw a string of stroked characters.
The first character displays at the current model space origin, The origin changes by successive translations. The newline character, \n (ASCII LF) is treated as a newline and resets the origin horizontally while advancing the line 1 font-height down the y-axis. Does nothing if:
Unlike glutBitmapString(), there is little performance advantage to using glutStrokeString() as compared with calling glutStrokeCharacter() yourself for every character.
Returns the width in pixels of a character in a given font.
Returns 0 if character is out of range or if the fontID is invalid.
Sets a tablet button callback.
There is no particularly good reason for this to be part of OpenGLEAN at this time. Nor is there any support for it. This function registers a callback by which you receive reports a tablet button status feature. Buttons are reported with button in the range 1 to glutDeviceGet(GLUT_NUM_TABLET_BUTTONS). state is either GLUT_UP or GLUT_DOWN and x and y are the tablet coordinate (see glutTabletMotionFunc() for the bounds of x and y). The callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Sets a tablet motion callback.
There is no particularly good reason for this to be part of OpenGLEAN at this time. Nor is there any support for it. This function registers a callback by which OpenGLEAN reports a puck or stylus position in the range of [0, 2000] along the x and y axes. The callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Sets the Visibility callback for the current window.
The callback is bound to the current window. This function is deprecated in lieu of glutWindowStatusFunc(). However, while Mark Kilgard's GLUT 3.7 seems to have included glutWindowStatusFunc(), I cannot see yet where he documented that function, much less where he deprecated this function. This function has, however, been deprecated by OpenGLUT, formally, and all known GLUT implementations currently offer glutWindowStatusFunc(). It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Draw a wireframe cone.
Draw a wireframe cube centered at the origin.
Draw a wireframe "cuboctahedron".
The scaling parameter, s, allows you to adjust the size of the resulting object. The object is centered at the origin.
Draw a wireframe cylinder.
Draw a wireframe dodecahedron. This function draws a regular, wireframe 12-sided polyhedron centered at the origin. The distance from the origin to the vertices is sqrt(3). The facets are pentagons. No facet is normal any of the x, y, or z axes.
Draw a wireframe icosahedron. This function draws a regular, solid 20-sided polyhedron centered at the origin. The distance from the origin to the vertices is 1. No facet is normal to any of the x, y, or z axes.
Draw a wireframe octahedron. This function draws a regular wireframe 8-sided polyhedron centered at the origin. The vertices are at (+/-1, 0, 0), (0, +/-1, 0), (0, 0, +/-1).
Draw a wireframe rhombic dodecahedron This function draws a wireframe dodecahedron whose facets are rhombic and whose vertices are at unit radius. No facet lies normal to any coordinate axes. The polyhedron is centered at the origin.
Draw a wireframe Spierspinski's sponge.
Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
Draw a wireframe sphere centered at the origin.
Draw a wireframe teapot.
This is derived from SGI code. It should also be the same as the teapot modeled by Martin Newell in 1975.
Draw a wireframe tetrahedron. This function draws a regular, wireframe 4-sided polyhedron centered at the origin. The distance from the origin to the vertices is 1.
Draw a wireframe torus.
The torus parameters can be explored interactively with the OpenGLEAN shapes demo.
Window destruction callback.
First, this function is redundant of glutCloseFunc(), and this function's name is not as well or clearly chosen. Secondly, the issues surrounding glutCloseFun() apply here as well. Unless prevented by some other concern, please use glutCloseFunc(), until such time as a better API is available. When a window is destroyed by user-action in traditional GLUT, the application terminates. In freeglut, OpenGLUT, and OpenGLEAN, the application can choose to persist and treat the window close event as a normal event. This callback is how that event is transmitted to the application. This callback is bound to the current window. It is fatal to call this function without properly initializing OpenGLEAN via glutInit(). It is a nonfatal, silent error to call this function without a current window.
Here is the call graph for this function: ![]() |
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Generated on Fri Sep 16 20:15:40 2005 for OpenGLEAN by
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