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CallbackMaker.c File Reference

Include dependency graph for CallbackMaker.c:

Detailed Description

A program for tracing the invocation of OpenGLEAN callbacks in response to system events.

Copyright 2004, 2005 the OpenGLEAN Project.
Portions copyright (C) 2004, the OpenGLUT project contributors.
OpenGLUT branched from freeglut in February, 2004.


#include <GL/openglean.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static int sequence_number = 0;

int reshape_called = 0, key_called = 0,
    special_called = 0, visibility_called = 0,
    keyup_called = 0, specialup_called = 0,
    mouse_called = 0,
    mousewheel_called = 0, motion_called = 0,
    passivemotion_called = 0, entry_called = 0,
    close_called = 0;
int reshape_width = -1, reshape_height = -1, reshape_seq = -1;
int key_key = -1, key_x = -1, key_y = -1, key_seq = -1;
int special_key = -1, special_x = -1, special_y = -1, special_seq = -1;
int visibility_vis = -1, visibility_seq = -1;
int keyup_key = -1, keyup_x = -1, keyup_y = -1, keyup_seq = -1;
int specialup_key = -1, specialup_x = -1,
    specialup_y = -1, specialup_seq = -1;
int mouse_button = -1, mouse_updown = -1,
    mouse_x = -1, mouse_y = -1, mouse_seq = -1;
int mousewheel_number = -1, mousewheel_direction = -1,
    mousewheel_x = -1, mousewheel_y = -1, mousewheel_seq = -1;
int motion_x = -1, motion_y = -1, motion_seq = -1;
int passivemotion_x = -1, passivemotion_y = -1,
    passivemotion_seq = -1;

static void Display (void)
    char line [180];
    int window = glutGetWindow ();
    glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);

    glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
    glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
    glPushMatrix ();
    glLoadIdentity ();
    glOrtho (
        0, glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH ),
        0, glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT ),
        -1, 1
    glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
    glPushMatrix ();
    glLoadIdentity ();
    glColor3ub (0, 0, 0);
    glRasterPos2i (10, glutGet (GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT) - 10);

    if (reshape_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Reshape %d:  %d %d\n",
            reshape_seq, reshape_width, reshape_height
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    if (key_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Key %d:  %d(%c) %d %d\n",
            key_seq, key_key, key_key, key_x, key_y
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    if (special_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Special %d:  %d(%c) %d %d\n",
            special_seq, special_key, special_key, special_x, special_y
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    if (visibility_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Visibility %d:  %d\n",
            visibility_seq, visibility_vis
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    if (keyup_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Key Up %d:  %d(%c) %d %d\n",
            keyup_seq, keyup_key, keyup_key, keyup_x, keyup_y
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    if (specialup_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Special Up %d:  %d(%c) %d %d\n",
            specialup_seq, specialup_key, specialup_key,
            specialup_x, specialup_y
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    if (mouse_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Mouse %d:  %d %d %d %d\n",
            mouse_seq, mouse_button, mouse_updown, mouse_x, mouse_y
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    if (mousewheel_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Mouse Wheel %d:  %d %d %d %d\n",
            mousewheel_seq, mousewheel_number, mousewheel_direction,
            mousewheel_x, mousewheel_y
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    if (motion_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Motion %d:  %d %d\n", motion_seq, motion_x, motion_y
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    if (passivemotion_called)
        sprintf (
            line, "Passive Motion %d:  %d %d\n",
            passivemotion_seq, passivemotion_x, passivemotion_y
        glutBitmapString (GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12, (GLubyte *) line);

    glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
    glPopMatrix ();
    glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
    glPopMatrix ();
    glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);

    printf ("%6d Window %d Display Callback\n", ++sequence_number, window);
    glutSwapBuffers ();

static void Reshape( int width, int height )
    int window = glutGetWindow( );
        "%6d Window %d Reshape Callback:  %d %d\n",
        ++sequence_number, window, width, height
    reshape_called = 1;
    reshape_width = width;
    reshape_height = height;
    reshape_seq = sequence_number;
    glutPostRedisplay( );

static void Key( unsigned char key, int x, int y )
    int window = glutGetWindow( );

    if( '\x1b' == key )         /* Esc to exit */
        glutLeaveMainLoop( );
            "%6d Window %d Keyboard Callback:  %d %d %d\n",
            ++sequence_number, window, key, x, y
        key_called = 1;
        key_key = key;
        key_x = x;
        key_y = y;
        key_seq = sequence_number;
        glutPostRedisplay( );

static void Special( int key, int x, int y )
    int window = glutGetWindow( );
        "%6d Window %d Special Key Callback:  %d %d %d\n",
        ++sequence_number, window, key, x, y
    special_called = 1;
    special_key = key;
    special_x = x;
    special_y = y;
    special_seq = sequence_number;
    glutPostRedisplay( );

static void Visibility( int vis )
    int window = glutGetWindow( );
        "%6d Window %d Visibility Callback:  %d\n",
        ++sequence_number, window, vis
    visibility_called = 1;
    visibility_vis = vis;
    visibility_seq = sequence_number;
    glutPostRedisplay( );

static void KeyUp(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
    int window = glutGetWindow( );
        "%6d Window %d Key Release Callback:  %d %d %d\n",
        ++sequence_number, window, key, x, y
    keyup_called = 1;
    keyup_key = key;
    keyup_x = x;
    keyup_y = y;
    keyup_seq = sequence_number;
    glutPostRedisplay( );

static void SpecialUp(int key, int x, int y)
    int window = glutGetWindow( );
        "%6d Window %d Special Key Release Callback:  %d %d %d\n",
        ++sequence_number, window, key, x, y
    specialup_called = 1;
    specialup_key = key;
    specialup_x = x;
    specialup_y = y;
    specialup_seq = sequence_number;
    glutPostRedisplay( );

static void Mouse( int button, int updown, int x, int y )
    int window = glutGetWindow( );
        "%6d Window %d Mouse Click Callback:  %d %d %d %d\n",
        ++sequence_number, window, button, updown, x, y
    mouse_called = 1;
    mouse_button = button;
    mouse_updown = updown;
    mouse_x = x;
    mouse_y = y;
    mouse_seq = sequence_number;
    glutPostRedisplay( );

static void Motion( int x, int y )
    int window = glutGetWindow( );
        "%6d Window %d Mouse Motion Callback:  %d %d\n",
        ++sequence_number, window, x, y
    motion_called = 1;
    motion_x = x;
    motion_y = y;
    motion_seq = sequence_number;
    glutPostRedisplay( );

static void PassiveMotion( int x, int y )
    int window = glutGetWindow( );
        "%6d Window %d Mouse Passive Motion Callback:  %d %d\n",
        ++sequence_number, window, x, y
    passivemotion_called = 1;
    passivemotion_x = x;
    passivemotion_y = y;
    passivemotion_seq = sequence_number;
    glutPostRedisplay( );

static void Entry( int state )
    int window = glutGetWindow( );
    entry_called = 1;
        "%6d Window %d Entry Callback:  %d\n", ++sequence_number, window, state
    glutPostRedisplay( );

void timeOut( int i )
    printf( "Got a timer event, user-data: %d.\n", i );
    glutTimerFunc( i, timeOut, i );

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int openglean_window, aux_window;

    glutInitWindowSize( 500, 250 );
    glutInitWindowPosition( 140, 140 );
    glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE );
    glutInit( &argc, argv );

    openglean_window = glutCreateWindow( "Callback Demo" );
    printf( "Creating window %d as 'Callback Demo'\n", openglean_window );

    glClearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );

    glutDisplayFunc( Display );
    glutReshapeFunc( Reshape );
    glutKeyboardFunc( Key );
    glutSpecialFunc( Special );
    glutWindowStatusFunc( Visibility );
    glutKeyboardUpFunc( KeyUp );
    glutSpecialUpFunc( SpecialUp );
    glutMouseFunc( Mouse );
    glutMotionFunc( Motion );
    glutPassiveMotionFunc( PassiveMotion );
    glutEntryFunc( Entry );

    glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE );
    aux_window = glutCreateWindow( "Second Window" );
    printf( "Creating window %d as 'Second Window'\n", aux_window );

    glClearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );

    glutDisplayFunc( Display );
    glutReshapeFunc( Reshape );
    glutKeyboardFunc( Key );
    glutSpecialFunc( Special );
    glutWindowStatusFunc( Visibility );
    glutKeyboardUpFunc( KeyUp );
    glutSpecialUpFunc( SpecialUp );
    glutMouseFunc( Mouse );
    glutMotionFunc( Motion );
    glutPassiveMotionFunc( PassiveMotion );
    glutEntryFunc( Entry );

    glutTimerFunc( 1000, timeOut, 1000 );

    glutMainLoop( );

    printf( "Back from the OpenGLEAN main loop\n" );
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
} Logo Supported in part by

Generated on Fri Sep 16 20:15:21 2005 for OpenGLEAN by doxygen 1.4.3
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