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Geometric Rendering
[OpenGLEAN API Reference]

Collaboration diagram for Geometric Rendering:

EXPORTED TO gleanshapes

These API entry points are only present for historical purposes. Other than the convenience of having them glommed onto the single GLUT library, there is no apparent reason for Mark Kilgard to have included them. These functions will likely migrate to their own library.

A problem with these functions is that they are widely varying in their parameters. Some take no parameters at all. Some allow you to specify mesh densities. For purposes of lighting, even simple, single planes sometimes benefit from finer mesh densities.

This subset of OpenGLEAN provides some elementary objects that are more or less standard fare for computer graphics. The objects all provide coordinates and surface normals.

Contains numerous fixes relative to freeglut which, in its last release, had many bugs with the winding of facets. Those fixes were made in OpenGLUT and freeglut lifted the fixes back (without crediting the hard work of the OpenGLUT project, alas). As of this writing, freeglut has not yet released an updated version with the OpenGLUT fixes. (Ironically, because freeglut was uncritically lifting OpenGLUT code, they were unaware of some of the fixes that they received in the process of blindly copying OpenGLUT work.) Logo Supported in part by

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